In the lab and pounding!

Here you can find the latest news
on who we are and what we do

Main objective of our lab is to investigate how plant hormone crosstalk provides plasticity to plant growth and development, and how plant hormones help to integrate and translate external cues into appropriate responses. To reach this goal we apply molecular, genetic, bioinformatics, as well as advanced transcriptomics and metabolomics approaches in order to obtain a comprehensive and elaborate picture of those interactions in selected developmental processes.

Students interested in our work and joining our team are highly welcomed. For further information, please visit our website and get into contact with us.

Yesterday, we had two things to celebrate. One the one hand, our lab member Basha Topel Prieto defended her Master thesis project in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering of Plants program with great success. On the other hand, it has been her birthday . Over the last few months, Basha was involved in the characterisation of a fungal isolate that has been obtained from plants growing on highly contaminated mining wastelands. She demonstrated nicely that her Penicillium sp. D7 strain has a tremendous growth promoting effect on its host plant and that it also confers increased As(III) tolerance. This initial characterisation is highly appreciated in our group and certainly paved the way for further future studies and publications. Thank you so much for your dedication and commitment. All the best for your future career