Author: Stephan

D7 – Hit and sunk…

Yesterday, we had two things to celebrate. One the one hand, our lab member defended her Master thesis project in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering of Plants program with great success. On the other hand,...

Network walking…

Last Wednesday, our undergraduate student, defended his Bachelor thesis in Biotechnology with great success. He made us all very happy, but without doubt Adrián is most proud of him, as he directly supervised the...

New paper on plant-fungus interaction is out

On behalf of the entire ICPS research team, I am happy and very proud to announce that our latest work on the role of auxin homeostasis at the root tips in coordinating the interaction...

Abiotic stress responses

We are very happy to see our latest book chapter on plant hormone crosstalk under abiotic stress conditions finally printed in Progress in Botany, edited by Ulrich Lüttge, Francisco M. Cánovas, María-Carmen Risueño, Christof...

IV Frontiers in Plant Biology

Next up for our lab is the IV Edition of the Workshop “Frontiers in Plant Biology” which will be held at the CBGP between the 17th and 19th of April. This time our three...

Kick-off Meeting EvoDevoSigNet

Just back from a two days Kick-off Meeting of our EvoDevoSigNet (@EvoDevoSigNet) group financed by the Spanish State Agency for Investigation (@AgEInves). It was a very intense and highly interesting meeting. Learned a lot...

Junior seminar Adrián

This Tuesday 9th of April 2024, our Illuminati Adrián gave a fantastic presentation on his PhD project in the Junior Seminar series of the CBGP. Another obligatory step towards the defense of his doctorate...

New preprint on fungus-triggered plant growth promotion

In case you are interested in the mechanism that contributes to Serendipita indica-triggered growth promotion, have a look at our latest #preprint out in @biorxiv_plants on the crosstalk between the root colonising fungus and Arabidopsis thaliana: González Ortega-Villaizán...

Fungal ENA ATPases

and her crew are starting strong into the new year!!! Fresh from the press, they report on the phyogenic and structural intricacies of fungal ENA ATPases, using the Neurospora crassa protein as an example....

IAM takes me to Jena

Absolute looking forward to this trip to the Max-Planck in Jena, Germany, after a couple of weeks of compulsive project proposal writing…!!!