The Crew - The Pollmann Group

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all of my current and former group members that walked part of the way with me, helped to push the scientific work of our lab forward, and contributed to generate a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere over all of the past years. In addition, I would also like to thank the different funding organisations that support the work of our lab since its very beginning in 2003.

Stephan Pollmann (Head Honcho of the lab)

González Ortega-Villaizán
PhD Student

PhD Student

Estefanía Angélica
Rodríguez Dobreva
PhD Student

Martínez Fenoll
PhD Student

El Wahabi
Visiting Student

Principal Investigator

Past group members at the RUB and the CBGP

Patricia Bedrunka (Bachelor Student)
Ví­ctor Cañizares Rodrí­guez (Master Student)
Víctor Carrasco Loba (Technician)
Marí­a Casas López (Administration)
Dominik Corneli (Bachelor Student)
Petra Düchting (Technician)
Tim Eberlein (Bachelor Student)
Katharina Focht (Bachelor Student) 
Henning Frerigmann (Diploma Student)
Daniel Jesús Garcí­a Martí­nez (Master Student)
Klaus Hagemann (Technician)
Mathias Hentrich (Bachelor-, Master-, and PhD Student)
Maik Hoffmann (Bachelor- and Master Student)
Raúl Jiménez Coll (Master Student)
Jennifer Joniak (Bachelor Student)
Ramona Karau (Bachelor Student)
Eoghan King (Postdoc)
Miriam Kleemann-Adolphs (Diploma Student) 
Thomas Lehmann (Diploma- and PhD Student, Postdoc)
Leticia Martí­n Torres (Technician)
Gloria Martí­nez Pereira (Bachelor Student)
Cristina Molinero Gallego (Master Student)
José Moya Cuevas (Postdoc)
Daniel Neu (Diploma- and PhD Student, Postdoc)
Paloma Ortiz García (Bachelor-, Master-, and PhD Student)
Eduardo Pastor Durántez (Master Student)
Manish Kumar Patel (Postdoc)
Marta-Marina Pérez Alonso (PhD Student, Postdoc)
Andrés Pérez González (Bachelor Student)
Harald W. Platta (Diploma Student)
Begoña Prieto Garcí­a (Technician)
Jennifer Rohweder (Diploma Student)
Beatriz Sánchez Parra (Master- and PhD Student)
Jorge Santiago Bajo (Bachelor Student)
Tina Schäfer (Diploma Student)
Thomas Schröter (Bachelor Student)
Rubén Tenorio Berrí­o (Master Student)
Basha Topel Prieto (Master Student)
Irene Viguera Leza (Bachelor Student)
Benjamin Werdelmann (Bachelor Student)

(in alphabetical order) 

Thomas Lehmann

Mathias Hentrich

Beatriz Sánchez Parra

Marta Pérez Alonso

José Moya Cuevas

Eoghan King

Manish K. Patel

Supporting funding organizations

  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain
  • Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG), Germany
  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Germany
  • EIG CONCERT-Japan, Spain, European Commission
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, European Commission
  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Spain
  • European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), European Commission
  • Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile
  • REPSOL S.L., Spain
  • Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), European Commission