Stephan Pollmann, PhD
Associate Professor
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (UPM-INIA)
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la UPM
Campus de Montegancedo
Crta. M-40, km 38
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
phone: +34-910679183

How to arrive

By car
The CBGP can be found within the Campus of Montegancedo. This Campus is located west of Madrid and adjacent to the M-40 highway. To arrive there when coming via the M-40 from the north you should leave this road at exit 38 (“via de servicio”) following by the side lane to the second exit to the right (marked as “Campus de Montegancedo” and “Facultad de Informática”). There you go up to a round-about very close to the CBGP, a concrete building easily recognisable by its rectangular shape of four towers at the corners. At the round-about you must take the second exit, down the hill, and then first right to access the building. In the case you come by M-40 from the south you should leave at exit 36 and follow the side lane until you can cross below the M-40 following the sign to the campus. Then to go up to the same round-about described above. Parking lots close to the building are available.
By plane
The fastest and simplest way to arrive to the CBGP is to exit from the airport taking the M-40 heading in southerly direction (N-III / A-3, N-IV / A4, NV / A5, etc..). Passing around the south of Madrid you should take exit 36 (see instructions above). In normal traffic conditions it takes about 30 minutes (but be careful with the rush hour).